Compared to other Editor’s and IDE’s who support Angelscript, the “SpellForce 3 – Script-Engine” imports the base scripts of the game and provides a database over the script-functions and enum’s of the game easier to use and implement in the own script. The “SpellForce 3 – Script-Engine” is a self-develop IDE (Development Envirement) for the Script-language of SpellForce 3 (Angelscript) with the goal to make Mod and Map development way easier and comfortable. What is the “SpellForce 3 – Script-Engine”? Whoever wants to create SpellForce 3 maps with events and Mods, need to use this language. SpellForce 3 is based on the Script language “Angelscript” who has been modifier by the developer Grimlore Games and is used as the main script language of the game.